
2024年4月22日—KassadinandAhriandmanymorearestronginsoloqbecauseofanitemyettheygetnerfedandtheitemstaysintact.Makeitmakesense.,2023年6月10日—AsubredditforallKassadinmainsfromLeagueofLegends.Feelfreetodiscussbuilds,plays,art,etc.anythingrelatedtoKassadin.Don't ...,2024年1月16日—It'sdefinitelytruethatintheearlygamehe'sreallyweaksoI'mjustassumingthat'swherelowerskilledplayersgetdestroyedandcan't ....

Kassadin and Ahri and many more are strong in soloq ...

2024年4月22日 — Kassadin and Ahri and many more are strong in soloq because of an item yet they get nerfed and the item stays intact. Make it make sense.

Kassadin is the worst champion in the game. Change my ...

2023年6月10日 — A subreddit for all Kassadin mains from League of Legends. Feel free to discuss builds, plays, art, etc. anything related to Kassadin. Don't ...

Why does Kassadin feel so weak in season 14

2024年1月16日 — It's definitely true that in the early game he's really weak so I'm just assuming that's where lower skilled players get destroyed and can't ...

Here is why 99% High Elo Mains drop Kassadin.

2023年12月22日 — Kassadin has a much lower playrate thn yone and is pretty much only played by otps. Yone is played by anyone and everyone so more noobs play him ...

Kassadin nerfs

2024年4月19日 — Kass is banned because when he's good, he's one of the absolutely most obnoxious champions in the game. Post 6, you can't chase him and you can' ...

Why Kassadin is so garbage nowadays?

2023年10月13日 — Kassadin is still a disgusting champion regardless of the nerfs. I see him banned maybe 6/10 games. His mobility is what still makes him a ...

Is kassadin really bad for ranked?

2023年10月22日 — Short answer NO. Kassadin is really good in ranks however you need a team that can sustain/ prolong the game or I should say play the Game till ...

Dear Kassadin mains of reddit, how do you feel about his ...

2023年5月4日 — Hi, I am going around champion subreddits and asking this question. I want to find out how different people feel about their mains and what ...


r/KassadinMains: A subreddit for all Kassadin mains from League of Legends. Feel free to discuss builds, plays, art, etc. anything related to…

How to deal with kassadin mid?

2024年3月10日 — I'm a high plat-low emerald player who mostly plays mages and Kassadin is the one champ that just completely perplexes me.